ARI Annual Assessment FY 2019-20 Header Image

ARI Annual Assessment

Report only for the period between 1 July 2019 to 30 June 2020
(One project per report)

Date Report Created*

ARI Project Information

Project Start Date:*
Project End Date:*
At any time during this period of performance, was your project being conducted under a no-cost extension?*
At any time during this period of performance, did your project request a budget revision?*

Project Director's Information

Project Director's Name*


Co-Investigator 1 Information


Co-Investigator 2 Information


Co-Investigator 3 Information


Co-Investigator 4 Information


Co-Investigator 5 Information


Co-Investigator 6 Information


Co-Investigator 7 Information


Co-Investigator 8 Information


Co-Investigator 9 Information


Co-Investigator 10 Information



Collaborator 1 Information


Collaborator 2 Information


Collaborator 3 Information


Collaborator 4 Information


Collaborator 5 Information


Collaborator 6 Information


Collaborator 7 Information


Collaborator 8 Information


Collaborator 9 Information


Collaborator 10 Information



Cooperator 1 Information


Cooperator 2 Information


Cooperator 3 Information


Cooperator 4 Information


Cooperator 5 Information


Cooperator 6 Information


Cooperator 7 Information


Cooperator 8 Information


Cooperator 9 Information


Cooperator 10 Information


Issue Being Addressed in Your Research Project

California Agriculture Issue - Check all that apply*

What is Your ARI Research Topic?

Research Topic - Check all that apply*
Advanced Technologies - Check all that apply*
Animals - Check all that apply*
Business and Economics - Check all that apply*
Environment - Check all that apply*
Farming and Ranching - Check all that apply*
Food Science - Check all that apply*
Health - Check all that apply*
Human Sciences - Check all that apply*
Natural Resources - Check all that apply*
Plants - Check all that apply*

Knowledge Area

Knowledge Area - Check all that apply*
Environmental Systems - Check all that apply*
Family and Consumer Sciences - Check all that apply*
Food Safety - Check all that apply*
Human Nutrition - Check all that apply*
Sustainable Agricultural Systems - Check all that apply*

California Commodity

California Commodity*
Check All That Apply*
Vegetable and Melon Crops - Check All That Apply*
Fruit and Nut Crops - Check All That Apply*
Field and Seed Crops - Check All That Apply*
Animal/Animal Products - Livestock, Dairy, Poultry, and Apiary - Check All That Apply*

Progress Towards Objectives

You may upload supporting figures, charts, tables or photos here.
No File Chosen
File uploads may not work on some mobile devices.
Please combine into one PDF.

Quantitative Assessment - Outputs

Peer-reviewed Publications

Did your project create any peer-reviewed publications?*

We intend to disseminate the peer-reviewed publications through our ARI website and would like to make the complete publication available, provided there are no copyright laws violated. In those instances where there is a copyright with the publisher, we will provide the abstract and the URL for the article.

For all citations, please use a style consistent with the Council of Science Editors.

Publication 1

Please use a style consistent with the Council of Science Editors.
Was the ARI support acknowledged for this publication?*
Upload Publication*
No File Chosen
File uploads may not work on some mobile devices.
Note: Uploading a file for an ARI-supported peer-reviewed publication is required. Please provide the pdf of the entire article or provide an abstract.

Publication 2

Please use a style consistent with the Council of Science Editors.
Was the ARI support acknowledged for this publication?*
Upload Publication*
No File Chosen
File uploads may not work on some mobile devices.
Note: Uploading a file for an ARI-supported peer-reviewed publication is required. Please provide the pdf of the entire article or provide an abstract.

Publication 3

Please use a style consistent with the Council of Science Editors.
Was the ARI support acknowledged for this publication?*
Upload Publication*
No File Chosen
File uploads may not work on some mobile devices.
Note: Uploading a file for an ARI-supported peer-reviewed publication is required. Please provide the pdf of the entire article or provide an abstract.

Publication 4

Please use a style consistent with the Council of Science Editors.
Was the ARI support acknowledged for this publication?*
Upload Publication*
No File Chosen
File uploads may not work on some mobile devices.
Note: Uploading a file for an ARI-supported peer-reviewed publication is required. Please provide the pdf of the entire article or provide an abstract.

Publication 5

Please use a style consistent with the Council of Science Editors.
Was the ARI support acknowledged for this publication?*
Upload Publication*
No File Chosen
File uploads may not work on some mobile devices.
Note: Uploading a file for an ARI-supported peer-reviewed publication is required. Please provide the pdf of the entire article or provide an abstract.

Outreach: Professional and Industry Conferences

Conference 1

Type of Conference:*
Project communicated through:*
Was ARI support acknowledged?*

Conference 2

Type of Conference:*
Project communicated through:*
Was ARI support acknowledged?*

Conference 3

Type of Conference:*
Project communicated through:*
Was ARI support acknowledged?*

Conference 4

Type of Conference:*
Project communicated through:*
Was ARI support acknowledged?*

Conference 5

Type of Conference:*
Project communicated through:*
Was ARI support acknowledged?*

Conference 6

Type of Conference:*
Project communicated through:*
Was ARI support acknowledged?*

Conference 7

Type of Conference:*
Project communicated through:*
Was ARI support acknowledged?*

Conference 8

Type of Conference:*
Project communicated through:*
Was ARI support acknowledged?*

Conference 9

Type of Conference:*
Project communicated through:*
Was ARI support acknowledged?*

Conference 10

Type of Conference:*
Project communicated through:*
Was ARI support acknowledged?*

Conference 11

Type of Conference:*
Project communicated through:*
Was ARI support acknowledged?*

Conference 12

Type of Conference:*
Project communicated through:*
Was ARI support acknowledged?*

Outreach: Popular Press

For this ARI project, did you effect outreach to the general public through a popular press venue?*

Media Outlet 1

Type of Media Outlet:

Media Outlet 2

Type of Media Outlet:

Media Outlet 3

Type of Media Outlet:

Media Outlet 4

Type of Media Outlet:

Media Outlet 5

Type of Media Outlet:

Media Outlet 6

Type of Media Outlet:

Outreach: Workshops and Field Days

Did you participate in or host field days and/or workshops in which your ARI-sponsored work was presented?*

Outreach 1

Type of Outreach:*
Was ARI support acknowledged for each event?*

Outreach 2

Type of Outreach:*
Was ARI support acknowledged for each event?*

Outreach 3

Type of Outreach:*
Was ARI support acknowledged for each event?*

Outreach 4

Type of Outreach:*
Was ARI support acknowledged for each event?*

Outreach 5

Type of Outreach:*
Was ARI support acknowledged for each event?*

Outreach 6

Type of Outreach:*
Was ARI support acknowledged for each event?*

Outreach 7

Type of Outreach:*
Was ARI support acknowledged for each event?*

Intellectual Property (IP)

Did you apply for a provisional patent, patent or plant variety protection (PVP) based on work supported by the ARI in this project?*


What did your project create during this period? For each category, please check all that apply:*

Infrastructure / Research Capacity

Was ARI funding used to purchase a piece of equipment or instrument costing over $5,000?*

Equipment 1

Equipment 2

Equipment 3

Equipment 4


Did you conduct experiments during this period of performance?*
Did you analyze data during this period?*
Did you submit a manuscript, book chapter, book or trade journal article for publication featuring work sponsored by this ARI project?*
Did you provide scientific training and/or mentoring to students as part of this ARI project?*

Qualitative Assessment - Impacts

Post Doctoral / Other Professionals Support Impacts

Did your project support a Postdoc?*
Did you project support Other Professionals? (e.g. Technicians, etc.)*

Student Impacts

1. Were undergraduate students trained or supported in your project?*
Click all that apply for this project.*
2. Were graduate students trained or supported in your project?*
Please check all that apply for this project:*
3. Did you employ students that were the first in their immediate family to attend college?*
4. Did you employ students underrepresented in the life sciences (Hispanic, African-American, American Indian or Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islanders)?*
5. Regarding student outcomes (graduation rates, time to graduation, career choices), do you believe that the student involvement in the project had:*
6. Did your students attend or present their ARI-sponsored research results at a conference or symposium?*
If yes, please check all that apply.*
7. Did your students co-author any papers published during this period of performance?*
If yes, what best describes this publication?*
8. Were products, including knowledge and information, created from your ARI-sponsored project introduced and used in any class you taught?*

Faculty Impacts

1. Did you receive any ARI-sponsored release time?*
2. Did you receive any ARI-sponsored overload compensation?*
3. Did you receive any ARI-sponsored summer salary?*
4. During this period, did you receive an extramural (non-ARI) competitive grant that was in part or fully based on this ARI-sponsored research project?*

Within the context of this project and period of performance, please consider each question and indicate your degree of agreement with each of the following statements:

5. ARI funding has allowed me to create new knowledge.*
6. ARI funding has allowed me to continue or create new collaborations.*
7. ARI funding has supported me to receive new training to apply to my research.*
8. ARI funding has allowed me to generate new data that has been used to gain extramural funding.*
9. Writing ARI grants has improved my grantsmanship.*
10. During this period of performance, ARI funding has allowed me to publish manuscripts and meet tenure and promotion requirements for my department and/or college.*

Answer the next two questions in a broader context, beyond the boundaries of this ARI project.

11. The potential for ARI funding was a contributing factor in my decision to accept CSU employment at time of hire.*
12. The potential for ARI funding is a contributing factor in my decision to remain at my university.*

Industry Impacts

Within the period of performance, please consider each question and indicate your degree of agreement with each of the following statements:

1. My ARI - industry collaboration has been valuable for my industry partner.*
2. My ARI - industry collaboration has been valuable for me - I've learned a lot from working with my industry partner.*
3. My ARI - trained students are valuable and capable employees for the California agricultural and natural resource industry.*
4. My ARI - project has resulted in an economic impact for California agriculture and natural resources.*
5. My ARI - project has resulted in increased knowledge within the California agricultural and natural resource industries.*
6. The California agriculture industry has adopted or integrated knowlege/methods/technology from my project into their practice or products.*
7. Knowlege/methods/technology from my project will increase the economic sustainability of California agriculture and natural resource industries.*
8. Knowlege/methods/technology from my project will reduce the environmental impact of the agriculture and natural resource industries in California.*
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